Engineering surveying methods utilized in the planning,
design, and construction of roadways have changed rapidly in recent years. These changes provide
more efficient and accurate surveys, particularly for large-scale projects.
This chapter addresses the planning and execution of engineering
surveys for rural roads and urban arterial streets, including preliminary or reconnaissance
surveys, design surveys, and construction surveys. The increasing public
concern over environmental protection indicates further changes in
surveys may be needed to provide information useful in preparing
environmental assessments, as well as in project planning and design. Such
changes must be carefully considered before any extensive field survey efforts
are initiated.
Engineering surveying for a road or street improvement project generally begins
with a preliminary or reconnaissance survey. This survey may also be called a
corridor definition survey. It provides the topographic data in a broad
corridor necessary for the investigation of alternate locations and alignments. The
reconnaissance survey may be omitted in the design of urban arterial
streets where location and alignment are largely dictated by the existing
land use and street pattern. It should be noted in this respect, however, that
good topographic and cadastral maps are essential to land subdivision
design, which involves the location and configuration of collector and land
access streets. If good topographic and cadastral maps are available at an
adequate scale—1 in. = 200 ft (1:2,400) or larger—on an areawide basis,
such maps will provide a better basis for the location studies than a
special survey, and they will do so far more economically.
The next stage in project development requires a design survey. The design survey
may be separated into horizontal and vertical control surveys; surveys
for determining profiles and cross sections, topography, and drainage;
right-of-way surveys; and surveys for such additional data as may be required for
the design of a particular project.
After the design survey, project development will next require a construction
survey. Construction surveys provide the horizontal and vertical control for
construction, information required for calculation of final quantities, and
data for development of as-built plans.
Comprehensive project planning for preliminary, design,
and construction surveys results not only in an efficient survey program but,
more importantly,
in a plan which optimizes capital expenditures throughout project development.
The engineering-manager must be fully cognizant of the importance survey
information has in the design of roadway projects. Careful planning will
minimize confusion and cost during actual construction by
providing control throughout the construction period, and it will contribute to
the efficient assembly of essential post-construction records.
A prerequisite for the sound development of a survey
program is knowledge of the basic survey needs of the particular project
involved and the alternative methods for meeting those needs. The
engineering-manager must, therefore, be knowledgeable about engineering
surveying, roadway design,
and construction in order to develop the survey program.
The engineering-manager must see that all available survey data for the project area
are assembled in readily usable form. These data may include existing
topographic and cadastral maps, aerial photographs, photogrammetric
products, horizontal and vertical control, and as-built plans of other
projects in the area. The organizations responsible for roads and streets in a
specific geographical area should maintain comprehensive files of survey
information available for ready reference.
The type of roadway will determine the design procedures and the associated
survey effort. Application of the latest design procedures developed for
high-type (freeway and expressway) roadways may not be economical for
low-type roads and streets for which far less sophisticated design procedures
may be adequate.
The engineering-manager must also be knowledgeable of all available survey
techniques and their applicability to each phase of the roadway design and
construction process. Applications of new instruments and techniques, such as
electronic distance measuring devices and computer-based photogrammetry,
have substantial advantages but also certain disadvantages when used
on simpler projects.
The engineering-manager must be knowledgeable of the latest federal, state,
and local criteria which affect roadway construction. These may include
important criteria for environmental impact assessment, citizen participation,
and multi-governmental involvement which may have implications for
survey, as well as design, efforts.
The engineering-manager must recognize construction requirements for accurate,
well located survey control within the project area. Time, effort, and money
are often needlessly expended due to inadequately monumented,
inaccurate, or improperly placed control.
Lastly, the engineering-manager must be able to evaluate
the survey effort required in terms of time and money. Whether for in-house use or
purposes of contractual agreements, this procedure is a necessary part of any survey
planning effort. Should contractual agreements be required, the engineering-manager
should be familiar with professionally sound contract-negotiation procedures and
the applicability of such procedures to the engineering-surveying profession.
Based upon this knowledge and its application to a
particular project, the engineering-manager should prepare a concise plan for
the survey program. This report should include a project description; a
statement of the survey objectives; a description of the available
existing survey data; recommendations concerning the methods and order of survey
execution; and time and cost estimates. Even though the detail of the
survey plan reports may be expected to vary greatly between different road
and street improvements, the preparation of the reports will ensure that
the planning program was
undertaken in a comprehensive manner.
Location and alignment studies require that preliminary survey
information be compiled within the project area. Generally, this information is compiled
along a corridor on a small-scale strip map. Several means of developing the
strip map, depending on the degree of completeness required, are
available. The most common is to utilize aerial photographs and U.S. Geological
Survey quadrangle maps. Since the primary purpose of the preliminary
survey is to provide data for the study of a broad range of alternative
locations and alignments, only some of which will be considered in greater
depth and detail later in the project, maximum use of existing
information is desirable.
Cost limitations are particularly important in the conduct of the preliminary
surveys. Field work should be conducted only as necessary to supplement the
existing data.
The preliminary survey should not only provide the information required
for considering alternative alignments but should note critical information
necessary for the subsequent location, design, and construction phases of the
project. The type and extent of information collected should be responsive to
socioeconomic and political issues and concerns, as well as strictly
technical issues and concerns, since facility location may involve public
participation in which community interests and environmental concerns are of
great relevance. Needed, in addition to good topographic and hydrographic
data, which may affect the horizontal and vertical location of the facility,
are data on existing and proposed land use, soil and geologic conditions,
surface and underground utilities, and real property boundary locations.
Design procedures for roads and streets normally necessitate that design plans be
prepared at a scale of 1 in. = 100 ft (1:1,200) or larger so that design details
and the conditions affecting such details may be indicated clearly on the
drawings. Because of the wide variation in the character of road and street
projects, extreme care must be exercised in the decision of what scale
should be used. Use of drawings at a scale of 1 in. = 20 ft (1:240) is not unusual
in urban areas where complex design considerations, including drainage
and utilities systems, are involved. Two basic surveying methods are
available, conventional field surveys and photogrammetric procedures.
The data required are similar to those required for the preliminary survey but in
greater depth and detail. Extensive data on the details of existing
features, such as curbs and gutters, driveway aprons, existing drainage
facilities, utilities including sanitary sewers, water and gas mains, and power
and communication cables, must be located to provide adequate data for design.
For most projects requiring large areal coverage, photogrammetric or
combination photogrammetric and field methods can be recommended.
Field Surveys
The first
step in the conduct of field surveys should be establishing a system of monumented horizontal and vertical
survey control in the project area.
This survey control system will normally be provided through high-order traverse and level circuits. Good
practice would dictate that the survey control be tied to the national geodetic
datum by means of the state plane
coordinate system.
The second step in the conduct of field surveys should be establishing monumented
survey baselines for the project. In urban areas these baselines are
generally located beyond the limits of existing roadways. In rural areas the
baselines are generally made to correspond to the centerline of the proposed
roadway. Profiles, cross sections, and relevant topographic features are
then located relative to the baseline.
The type of detail and survey procedures for locating this detail will vary with the
type of roadway. For a high-type, multiple-lane arterial roadway, profiles,
cross sections, and topography are required. Information on the location,
horizontal and vertical alignment, extent and elevation of the following
features, among others, is required:
Curbs, storm sewers including inlets and manholes,
gutters, culverts, bridges, viaducts, paved areas, and sidewalks;
Railway tracks, switch points,
frogs, and signs and signals;
Major trees;
Aerial transmission lines, towers
and poles, street lights, traffic
and traffic regulatory signs;
Watercourses and related
shorelands, floodlands and wetlands;
Underground utilities, such as sanitary sewers and
water mains,
telephone and electric power cables,
manholes, and valves;
Orchards and areas dedicated to
the cultivation of fruits and vegetables and specialty crops;
Property line corners, with
particular attention to public right-of-way locations, fences, and other visible
occupational lines.
On the other hand, a single-lane forest-access road might require only that an
experienced location engineer establish a flagged grade line utilizing an Abney level
and compass. Special attention should be directed to recording drainage
details, including invert elevations of existing drainage facilities.
Adequate detail must be obtained for connections between existing and
proposed construction.
baselines should be monumented. The monuments should
be located outside the construction area so that baseline locations can be preserved throughout the construction
period. Monument placement on the required right-of-way line is often
Certain special design requirements may call for additional survey effort and should,
therefore, be considered in the survey program. Hydraulic design analyses
require stream profiles and cross sections, together with pertinent information
on the waterway openings of existing structures and special problems
such as scour, and on the tributary drainage area affecting the proposed
facilities. Core borings for roadway and structures require additional survey
effort. Early consultations should be held with the soils, materials, and
foundation engineers involved so that the survey effort can be designed to
meet the needs of the geotechnical programs. Facilities such as the
modification or extension of an existing structure, may necessitate additional
detailed survey information, including detailed information on the existing
If the facility location requires one or more major stream crossings, special crossing
surveys may be required. These may have to be more accurate than the other types of
surveys and include more elaborate forms of
permanent monumented survey control. Special hydrographic surveys, current and flow measurements, and surveys
locating subsurface geological features
important to the structural stability of the crossing structure may be
required. Data on the extent and characteristics of drainage areas will be required, together with historic information on
flood stages. Information on tides,
including ranges and currents, may be required for estuary and other marine crossings. Details of existing
structures are essential if such structures are to be used as part of
the project.
Conventional field survey methods have long been used for roadway
improvement projects and are often still cost effective. Photogrammetric methods are,
however, also available and should be investigated for their applicability to
each project. Where photogrammetric methods are applicable, much
field work can be eliminated.
Photogrammetric methods will economically provide, at an appropriate design
scale and contour interval, design data for most roadways. The
photogrammetric plan can help to eliminate the need for field surveys to collect
profile, cross section, and topographic data. Photogrammetric mapping must be
spot checked and may need to be augmented by field surveys.
Depending upon the type of roadway, field surveys may be required to
establish and monument horizontal and vertical survey control; to check
topographic maps prepared by photogrammetric methods, as well as to
supplement topographic details in areas of heavy tree cover; to establish, monument, and profile the
baselines as a check and as a control for
taking and plotting cross sections; and to provide topographic details required
for the design of intersecting roadways, and to provide the data needed on the location and elevation of sewers
and other underground utilities.
Care should be exercised in specifying photogrammetric
mapping for a roadway improvement project. Only after identification of survey
requirements and consultation with an experienced photogrammetrist should the project
The field surveys required for project right-of-way
needs will be minimized by good survey planning. The preparation of
right-of-way plats should be initiated by a careful research of deeds, tax
maps, subdivision plats, existing right-of-way plats, and available property
boundary line surveys and plats. The resulting information can be plotted on
existing topographic maps to provide a basis for preparing the right-of-way
plat. The proper location and orientation of real property ownership
parcels may be significantly aided by the location of property corners during
the conduct of the necessary topographic field surveys. Right-of-way plats are
prepared to establish legal right-of-way lines and to determine areas for awarding
property damages. Should any major discrepancies be found in parcel locations at this time, however, additional
field survey and title investigation may be
After the proposed design is related to the right-of-way
plats, needed property acquisition requirements can be determined. The
acquisition may consist of fee simple purchase of the right-of-way,
dedication, and purchase of easements for right-of-way and for areas
required for construction.
The required areas are tied to the proposed construction
either by coordinate geometry or field measurement. From this information, the legal description and
areas of the proposed acquisition and parcel remainders can be
Monumentation of required right-of-way lines is an established procedure used in
roadway design and construction. In addition to providing definition of
the right-of-way line, the monuments can also be used to reference the
proposed construction from outside the construction area. Due to the extensive
cost of placement, care must be exercised so that only necessary
monuments are provided.
In summary, field surveys related to rights-of-way should be coordinated with the
necessary topographic surveys; should include careful research of
records relating to property corners which exist in the coverage area; should
include special surveys to clarify discrepancies in parcel location; and
should include the monumenting of right-of-way lines for project control and
establishing legal rights-of-way boundaries for future use.
Even though the responsibility for compliance with legal requirements is in the
hands of a responsible surveyor or engineer, the engineering-manager
must be knowledgeable of these requirements in order to specify a
comprehensive survey program for the project.
Construction surveys serve two basic purposes, construction control and provision of
as-built information. Surveys for construction control include all
survey work required for constructing the roadway project, including layout
and continuous direction of operations, such as grading, paving, and
erection, to assure proper horizontal and vertical location and alignment of the
facility. As-built surveys include survey work necessary to determine
final pay quantities and to prepare final plats showing the actual details
of the completed construction.
Construction surveys are characterized by their dynamic nature. Establishing and
reestablishing control to guide construction equipment and personnel and to
ensure that all project elements are constructed in accordance with
the plans and specifications are the continuous job of the engineer as
construction progresses. Properly planned construction surveying control, as
well as appropriate instrumentation—including total electronic stations and
laser beam alignment instruments—will determine to a considerable extent the cost
of the survey operations. This work should not be done by construction crews with
no knowledge of coordinate geometry and without appropriate surveying
engineering supervision.
Proper planning of the construction survey is of prime importance. Usually every critical design point
or line that has to be laid out in areas of
cut or fill should be accessible directly by distance and direction from at least three intervisible control points located
outside the construction area. Traverse
retracing to reestablish lost or obliterated markers is costly in both time
and money and should be avoided.
For best results, and for avoiding costly mistakes, the preparation of a layout plan
is recommended. Such a plan will show the locations—position
coordinates—of all control points and the positions of the critical layout points,
such as points of intersection, points of curvature and tangency, lowest and
highest points, structural member positions and pier positions on a bridge, and the geometrical dimensions of all the project
This will permit the surveying-engineer to readily compute in the field
distances and directions between control and layout points. It helps avoid the
need to interrupt construction operations to reestablish removed or
disturbed survey markers.
The first step in the construction survey is to assure that all monuments are
located outside the construction area and are adequately referenced so that
they may be readily reestablished if disturbed or destroyed. This step must be taken prior to the
start of construction, including the start
of utility relocation in the construction area. The construction baselines are then monumented at required intervals.
Subsequent construction survey
efforts depend on the type of roadway, method of construction, and sequencing
of construction work. For this reason, portions of the construction staking are sometimes included in the
construction contract as the responsibility of the contractor with survey
checks performed by the governing
Bridge and viaduct construction requires special survey control. Because
bridges and viaducts are usually constructed over water, wetland, or other inaccessible
areas, control monuments usually cannot be located on, or even close
to, the centerline of the proposed structure as would be the case for at grade
pavements. Control must be located, wherever possible, on the abutments or on
piles or dolphins parallel to the future bridge or viaduct. The
two ends of the bridge or viaduct must be connected by precise horizontal
and vertical surveys. Triangulation has been the classic method used to
accomplish this, but with the development of electronic distance measuring
devices, other more economical methods, such as traversing, have become
During bridge or viaduct erection, the positions of different structural
as piers, abutments, beams, and columns—must be accurately established in the
field. Construction equipment and temporary erection scaffolds may impair visibility
and complicate this task. To facilitate the survey operation, the necessary
control should be located outside the structure; point locations on the
construction should then be established by angle intersection from two
control stations, distance intersection from two control stations, or
angle-distance intersection from one control station. The latter method is the
more economical, requiring only one instrument and one line of sight.
Reflectors can be taped on the extremes of the structural members and their
positions established by electronic distance and angle measurement from one
control station. Using a total station, coordinates of structural
elements can be established.
During the roadway construction, field surveys may be
employed to determine payment quantities, conformity with contract documents, and
records of the final construction configuration. From these data, as-built plans are
prepared to provide a permanent, accurate record of the final construction.
Photogrammetric surveys before and after construction provide excellent
bases for development of pay quantities and especially so in areas of rough
It is necessary to recognize, however, that construction
surveys are an extremely important phase of the project and one that can cost the
contractor or the owner a considerable amount of money if the survey is not
accurate or all-inclusive. The as-built survey verifies that the facility was constructed in
substantial compliance with the plans and specifications and, in a sense,
constitutes a final audit. It is a survey frequently challenged in court and,
when so challenged, must be authenticated by proper authority.
Monumentation and As-Built Survey
After the construction is finished, all property corners defining the
right-of-way should be established and permanently monumented in accordance with
the deeds of acquisition. In some cases fences may be erected for protection
or for control of roadway access.
Because of variations authorized during construction to
adapt the project to unforeseen conditions, the highway or street may not conform
exactly to the design plans. In such cases the as-built surveys become particularly
important. The result of such surveys is a set of plats reflecting the location of
the right-of-way monuments and the new pavement, crossings, and other
appurtenant structures as actually constructed. As-built plans should become
part of the permanent records of the responsible agency.
The types of maps, and the scales and contour intervals
required will vary in accordance with the survey purpose (reconnaissance, design, or
construction), the amount of planimetric information required, and the topography of the
project area. Map requirements will vary with the type of project: Local,
that is, projects affecting a single community or sector of a community, such
as an urban street project; or regional, that is, projects affecting several
communities, such as a major highway. General projects do not entail special
constraints and have minimal connections to existing facilities as,
for example, typical rural highways and urban collector and land access
streets. Critical projects have severe location restrictions and include projects
such as major bridges and viaducts, underpasses and overpasses, and
arterial streets through congested urban areas with many connections to
existing facilities.
In general, the amount of planimetric detail, both above and below
ground, is a function of the foregoing factors and the existing general land use in the project area, such as
urban, suburban, rural agricultural, and rural
rangeland. The map contour interval is also dependent on the topography of the project area. Tables 1, 2 and 3
indicate typical scale and contour
interval values or ranges to use for maps for each type of project and phase.
American Society of Civil Engineers Manual No. 44, Highway
and Bridge Surveys.
Aguilar, Antonio M., “Cost
Analysis for Aerial Surveying,” Photogrammetric Engineering, American Society
for Photogrammetry, Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 81, January 1967.
Aguilar, Antonio M., “Management
Planning for Aerial Surveying,” Photogrammetric
Engineering, American Society for Photogrammetry, Vol. 35, No. 10, p. 1047, October
Aguilar, Antonio M., “Evaluation
of Automatic Cartographic Systems for Engineering and Mapping Functions,” Journal
of the Surveying and Mapping Division, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Vol. 101, SU1, Proceedings Paper 11625, October 1975.
Bezley, Jon S., “Modern Day
Surveys for Highway Design,” Journal of
the Surveying and Mapping Division,
American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 96, SU1, Proceedings Paper 71976,
April 1970.
Elder, Edward K., “What Did He
Buy? A Piece of Land or a Piece of Paper?”
American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, Proceedings Paper 73-264.
Fant, Jesse E., “Survey Three
Weeks, Study One Week,” American Congress
Surveying and Mapping, Proceedings Paper 73-267.
Keating, J. Bruce, “Orthophotomaps:
A Base for Environmental Inventory Systems,” American Congress of Surveying
and Mapping, Proceedings Paper 73-234.
Shields, John M., “Project
Planning,” American Congress of Surveying and
Proceedings Paper 73-214.
Wambach, William T., Jr., “Where Oh
Where Is Your Right-of-Way Line?” Civil
Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, March 1973, p. 52.
Watkins, Daniel J., “Surveying
Responsibility of the Engineering Manager,” journal
of the Surveying
and Mapping Division, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.
97, SU1, May 1971, p. 1.
Woodward, Luis A., “Survey Project
Planning,” Photogrammetric Engineering,
Society for Photogrammetry, June 1970.
Table .—Typical Map Scale
and Contour Interval for Paved Street and Highway
signals, and traffic regulatory signs;
telephone and electric power cables, manholes, and valves;
American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, Proceedings Paper 73-264.
of Surveying and Mapping, Proceedings Paper 73-267.
Mapping, Proceedings Paper 73-214.
Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, March 1973, p. 52.
of the Surveying and Mapping Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.
97, SU1, May 1971, p. 1.
American Society for Photogrammetry, June 1970.
or Reconnaissance
Design and Construction
Phase (1)
Local (2)
Regional (3)
Crossing Selection
Critical (5)
General (6)
Land Use
Map Scale,
in feet per
Urban Suburban
Farmland Rangeland
100- 200 200-
400 400- 500 500-1,000 1,000-2,000
500-1,000 1,000-2,000 2,000-2,000
2,000-2,000 2,000-2,000
40- 50 50-100 100-200 200-400
10- 20 20- 40 40- 50 50-100
20- 40 40- 50 50-100
100-200 200-200
Contour I
in feet
Gently Rolling Rolling
Hilly Mountainous
1- 1 2- 2 2- 5 5-10
1- 2
2- 5 5-10 10-20 50
2- 5 5- 10 10- 20 20- 50 50-100
2- 5 5- 10 10- 20 20- 50 50-100
*Adapted from “Selection of Maps for Engineering and
Planning,” Journal of Surveying and Mapping Division, SU1, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Proceedings Paper 9073, July 1972.
Note: Ft × 0.305 = m; in. × 2.54 = cm
Table .—Typical Map Scale
and Contour Intervals for Temporary Road Projects*
Phase (1)
Preliminary or Reconnaissance
Design and Construction
Local (2)
Critical (3)
General (4)
Land Use
Map Scale, in feet per inch
Industrial Urban
Suburban Farmland Rangeland
200- 400
400- 500 500-1,000 1,000-2,000 2,000-2,000
20- 40 40- 50 50-100 100-200 200-200
40- 50 50-100 100-200 200-400
Interval, in feet
Gently rolling Rolling
Hilly Mountainous
5- 10
10- 20 20- 50 50-100 100-200
1- 2
2- 5
5-10 10-20 50
1- 1 2- 2 2- 5 5-10
‘Adapted from: “Selection of Maps for Engineering and Planning,” Journal of Surveying and Mapping Division, SU1, American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings Paper 9073, July 1972.
Note: Ft × 0.305 = m; in. × 2.54 = cm
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